Thursday, 26 April 2012

Important Lines To Read Quotes About Moving On

Moving on is among the hardest problems in life that men and women bump into no matter whether it's moving on right after a heart break, loss of someone or perhaps after several depressing scenarios. The sensation of being down is completely reasonable even so being heartbroken forever shouldn't be the way to follow. Things can get much better once people acknowledge how things happen for a reason and thus take some time to pass through process of recovery. This ideally will only act as lessons to be discovered to get smarter in potential future experiences.

For example through the help of friends, relatives and other loved ones, moving on can be painless. People must always have their open hearts and minds to listen to the suggestions of others and do what they think is the best to undertake. Additionally, there are sources such as quotes about moving on that will serve as helpful verses which people can read through every once in awhile in their so-called therapy. Here are quotes about moving on that will help:

 Sooner or later we've all got to let go of our past. ~Dan Brown; You can't look back - you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future. ~Jodi Picoult; You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life. ~Joel Osteen

Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today? ~Mary Manin Morrisey; It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on. ~Steve Maraboli

Moving on is easy. It's staying moved on that's trickier. ~Katerina Stoykova Klemer; I think it happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. And so you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on. ~Nicholas Sparks; And perhaps there is a limit to the grieving that the human heart can do. As when one adds salt to a tumbler of water, there comes a point where simply no more will be absorbed. ~Sarah Waters

Read quotes about moving on when you're feeling blue so you can get a touch of inspiration. Visit Broken Heart Quotes HQ for greatest quotes about moving on today.

Monday, 23 April 2012

All About The Broken Heart Quotes

Circumstances in life aren't persistent. The unexpected happens in a different way ever so often where there are the good and bad times. Now while being in love or having a loved one is absolutely component of what makes a person satisfied, having a broken heart on the other hand also happens that serves as a wisdom to get a better relationship later on. However, broken heart quotes are resources of the words of wisdom brought about by life's experiences. Even though one's heart has been destroyed, these fulfilling and motivating broken heart quotes will still act as calming messages to realize what has happened and the way things will get a lot better later on.

Broken Heart Quotes For Him And Her: If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were. ~Khalil Gibran; Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms.” And when you start losing trust on your love, then is when the first crack appears in a relationship. If you can’t trust you partner, happiness is gone forever. ~Khalil Gibran; There is love of course. And then there's life, its enemy. ~Jean Anouih

 Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there. ~Otomo No Yakamochi; Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop. ~Author Unknown; The hottest love has the coldest end. ~Socrates; Time goes by, life goes on, and all I can think of is why you're gone. ~Author Unknown; True love never dies as we see in our eyes, only when we let go that we can truly say goodbye. ~Unknown Author

 Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself. ~Author Uknown; Faults are thick where love is thin. ~English Proverb; Without love, what are we worth? Eighty-nine cents! Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around lonely. ~Hawkeye; Everyone admits that love is wonderful and necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is. ~Diane Ackerman;

The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're still alive. ~Orlando Battista The risk it takes to remain tight inside the bud is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom. ~Anais Nin; I'd like to run away from you, But if you didn't come And find me - I would die. ~Dame Shirley Bassey; The course of true love never did run smooth. ~William Shakespeare; Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Reading is a good therapy for broken heart and broken heart quotes could be your guide. See more of great broken heart quotes today and start with the healing process.